In RedBack’s range of Premium Multi-Line Lasers, Red & Green Lasers have similar power outputs for their diodes (<5mW). This means the brightness of the lines is almost identical, so there is no advantage choosing one over the other for visibility.
Red Line Lasers are generally cheaper than their Green counterparts, and have a wider working range when used with a receiver for outdoor work (~40m compared to ~150m).
Line Laser Receivers can detect the Laser Lines that a laser produces, even in spots where the beam can’t visibly been seen. This makes it ideal for use outdoors where the Sun overpowers the visible beam.
Pairing a Line Laser & Receiver together can give you most of the capabilities of an Outdoor Rotating Laser, but with some added bonuses like easy vertical alignment, set-out/squares, portability etc.
RedBack Lasers 3D3X Range of 360 Degree Line Lasers available in both Ultra Bright Red (3D3XR) & Green (3D3XG) Laser versions. All aspects of Levelling, Alignment, Square and Plumb up and down are covered. Both models include Magnetic Elevating Base and Li-ion Rechargeable Battery and Charger. You can even operate on “AA” cells whilst charging the Li-ion battery outside of the unit, thus, incredibly handy if someone forgot to charge the battery the day before.
These two 3D Multi Line Lasers can also be purchased as a kit (3D3XR+, 3D3XG+) including the LLR705 LCD Display Electronic Receiver. Making them fully usable outdoors. Check out the poster below for some of the applications each model can do.
First up Red or Green? RedBack Lasers 3D3X 3D Multi-Line laser range have the SAME power output (class 3r) for both the Red & Green laser models. So, essentially the same “brightness”. Many other manufacturers have a lesser power on their reds compared to their greens. However, on some surfaces, the Red will appear brighter than the Green and on other surfaces, the reverse will be true. Also, some people, particularly those with colour blindness, will see one colour better than the other. So, concluding the question, Red or Green? it’s best if the person who is going to use the laser compares the two in the flesh and make their own mind up.
The second question is whether to buy the 3D3X 3D Multi-Line Laser as a kit with an electronic receiver or not. If you are just planning to use this for indoor tasks then you can happily buy the base model without a receiver. Assuming you are wanting a laser to be reliably usable outdoors as well as indoors, then buying the kit including the electronic receiver is the way to go.
The receiver operates very much like a receiver on a rotating laser. It effectively sees the laser for your when it’s too bright outside for you to visibly see the laser beam itself. When choosing between the RedBack 3D3XR+Red or 3D3X0G+ Green line laser there is a fairly significant difference between the two. The 3X3DR+ will operate up to 240m diameter using the LLR705 receiver, whereas the 3X3DG+ operates up to 80M diameter. Therefore, for longer range outdoors the 3D3XR+ Red models are the way to go.
These styles of line laser have been available few just a few years but they have already grabbed a large chunk of the market. They are the ultimate indoor installation laser level.
Previously to have a laser that carried out all the tasks these can handle meant a large device. These large devices had a number of separate laser diodes. Therefore, this meant more expense and more battery power. On these new 3D 360 Multi-Line lasers only one diode is used per 360 degree line so enabling a more compact unit. With this RedBack Lasers Laser range you get equal power output on the red and green line lasers.
You also get Li-ion rechargeable power and the ability to charge outside the unit. For instance, you can carry on working with standard “AA” batteries as a back up.
The 3D3X range of lasers from RedBack are ideal for just about any type of indoor installation jobs. For example, they are great for Electricians, Carpenters, Window Installers, Plasterers, Tilers, Garage doors, Pallet racking, Kitchens, Bathrooms and much more. The ability to provide Horizontal level, Vertical alignment, Plumb floor to ceiling as well as Square means just about every requirement is covered.
If you purchase the outdoor kit with receiver then a whole new list of trades opens up. For example, General site levelling for Builders and Construction, Extension foundations, Shed slabs, Decking etc.
All RedBack 3D Multi Line Lasers are checked and Calibrated by our technicians in Australia. All levels are supplied with a calibration certificate. If re-calibration is required some time down the road, its not a problem. The ability to re-calibrate is designed in to them. For service RedBack Lasers stocks spare parts, because, we know that they may get dropped and need repair.
RedBack Lasers can service and repair a number of other brands of laser level but not all models. Brands include Dewalt Laser Level, Bosch Laser Level, Imex Laser Level, Hilti Lasers and more. Please call 1800 769 858 first to see if we can service your laser first.
RedBack Lasers Premium 3D3X Range of 360 Degree 3D Multi Line Lasers available in both Ultra Bright Red Laser (3D3XR) & Green Laser (3D3XG) Laser versions. Available with or without an outdoor laser Receiver. Professional quality for everyday use. Two-Year Warranty, including a calibration certificate.
RedBack 360 Range (360R, 360G) Again available in High output red and green laser versions, compact carry case. Trade use for regular use. Two-Year Warranty, including a calibration certificate.
Unilevel Range for Trade and DIY projects use. 12 Month Warranty.
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