Digital Grade Laser Range
Digital Grade (also known as Dial-a-Grade) Rotating Lasers are designed for efficient and accurate grade settings.
They give you the ability to program the laser to specific grades as a percentage on 2 axis. The laser will then angle itself on the correct grade.
This allows the operator to easily do drainage, plumbing, earthmoving etc. without having to manually calculate and set the required grade using other methods.
This primarily benefits trades like plumbers, earthmovers and farmers who are regularly setting grades for water drainage, although they are suitable for any trade.
We often get asked – how do I convert grades to percentages?
A lot of plumbers and earthmovers are given grades as a 1 in 60 or 1 in 100 format.
To calculate that as a percentage, divide the first number by the second number, then times it by 100.
For example – 1 in 60 = 1 divided by 60 (1/60) x 100 = 1.667%
Here are some common grade examples as percentages:
1 in 60 Grade = 1.667%
1 in 100 Grade = 1%
1 in 200 Grade = 0.5%
Simply input these into your laser, and let it do the hard work to set the grade for you!
RedBack Lasers Digital Grade rotating lasers are the ideal tool when setting grades day in day out. Grades are set by simply entering the grade as a percentage to three decimal places. Enter grades for one or both axis with either the rf smart remote or the laser’s keypad.
Each of these models features a full cast metal internal chassis for strength and reliability and a heavy-duty rubberised casing.
They all come as standard with superior Li-ion rechargeable battery but can also run on standard “D” cells if required.
Some of these RedBack Laser models come with an axis alignment scope and fine adjustment plates for accuracy.
Some models come with a millimetre display receiver. The display shows exactly how much the laser is above or below the level bar up to +/- 45mm.
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