The RedBack Lasers range of electronic self levelling rotating laser levels are built tough and designed to handle day to day use on tough Australian worksites.
Each model features a cast steel or cast metal safety cage chassis protecting the levelling mechanisms. The chassis is then enclosed in a heavy-duty, rubberised, weatherproof housing.
All these rotary laser level models feature electronic self-levelling and include rechargeable batteries and charger. Whether you are looking for a basic levelling laser, a grade laser or the latest auto-grade tracking laser, RedBack Lasers has the right tool for you.
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All RedBack rotating laser models shown above are electronically self-levelling. They come standard with a NiMH or Li-ion (depending on model) rechargeable battery pack and charger Note: The BASIC614 rechargeable batteries are an optional extra. All models feature RedBack’s steel or cast metal internal chassis safety cage and come with a standard five-year warranty. When you buy RedBack, you buy peace of mind.
Whether you need a grade or vertical rotation, scan lines and green beam for indoor work or a millimetre display receiver, we have the right tool for you.
RedBack Lasers have three core rotating laser tool models. The EL614 with the horizontal operation secondly the EGL624 with the horizontal and vertical operation. Each can be purchased as a “GM” or Auto Grade Match Tracking version (EL614GM & EGL624GM/GREEN624GM). The third range is the DGL range with Digital Grade setting simply enter the required percentage grade on the appropriate axis.
So what is Auto Grade Match Tracking?
It’s when you set the laser unit at a particular height, then locate the special Auto Grade Match Millimeter Tracking Receiver (LR720T) at a second height along a particular axis. You press a button on the receiver, which then communicates to the laser unit. The laser beam then tracks to the receiver’s height and locks onto that grade, making it simple and automatic.
Auto-grade matching can be used in two main ways:
By setting a grade in the same manner as a manual grade match, but this time the laser searches for and locks on the receiver automatically. There’s no need to first find level and then move the receiver the required height to match. For example, when holding the receiver 6m from the laser moving the receiver 100mm from level to get a 1 in 60-grade slope.
This is when you want to match an existing grade or slope, like setting a constant grade for a driveway on an undulating hillside. The idea here is that you are wanting to match the general existing grade, but you want to take out the lumps and bumps along the way.
This is achieved by setting the height of the rotating laser and receiver on the staff at the same height from the ground. Take the receiver up or down the hill along with one of the two axes. Then press the Auto Grade Match tracking button and select the axis on the receiver and the laser level does the rest, tracking to and locking onto the position of the receiver and fixing that grade. When the grade is fixed, you use the receiver anywhere along that axis and a level reading now indicates that you are on that constant grade.
There is a third use for Auto Grade Match rotary lasers, which is supported by the RedBack EGL624GM and GREEN624GM models. That is using it in the vertical plain for automatic alignment for fence lines etc.
Simply set the rotating laser on its side for vertical rotation with the plane of rotation roughly aimed to the other end of the run you wish to align. Set the receiver up on its side at the far end of the run. Select the auto-grade match on the receiver (this time it has to be the “X” axis) and the beam automatically tracks left to right to find and lock onto the position of the receiver. You can even perform site squaring as the visible dot laser beam is at 90 degrees to this vertical rotating plane.
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